2 Corinthians 2:3 Forasmuch as ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not in tables of stone, but in flesshy tables of the heart.
It is not enough to read the word of God, you will have to etch it into your heart and live it to gain a testimony from the Spirit.
What does it mean to cry? Why do we do it? In the Book of Mormon, Alma uses the word CRY in chapter 34 numerous times, he is explaining how we should pray. Cry unto the Lord, have you heard this before? I don't think the God intends for us to be crying our eyes out every time we pray. Now sometimes, we will when the emotions are high, but if you are in a cheerful mood, we don't have to discourage ourselves to cry. I feel that crying is more of an emotion, it comes from the heart. Whenever I have cried, after I was a baby, I cried for things that I put my heart into. I simply love this scripture, because Paul is explaining to the Corinthians about the true application of the words of God. We are not intended to just read them, maybe complement their beauty or reasoning. We are to engrave them upon our hearts, making ourselves a living scripture book in principle and in character. To put forth as much effort into our commitments, much like Alma was teaching about what we should do with our prayers. We must be even more than listeners of the word, but doers in faith.
Brett Jones
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